Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

A man is set to have his ninth and tenth children by ten different mothers at an expense to the taxpayer of up to £2 million [More]
And "the taxpayer," of course, by and large demanded a system that made this outcome inevitable.


  1. so i guess they'll have macdonalds everywhere, too, eh?

    wait for it.

    so i guess that's how you f- the system, eh?

  2. The basic problem with socialism, is that they remembered humans, but forgot humanity. If the little bastard wants 10 kids, then HE can pay for them.

  3. David;
    Get a look at the British only one in this post over at Bill O'Rites.

    Only one with finger on trigger, rifle pointed at harmless late middle aged lady:

    Elsewhere Bill reports that the only one who likes inflicting brain injuries to ladies half his weight and twice his age is on full pay while out on bail awaiting appeal.

  4. No wonder the government there wants to have paychecks sent directy to it to take the taxes out first. They're going to need to.
    Brent's cop is ready for WAR, with duplexed 30-round mags in what is undoubtedly a full-auto rifle. The master of all he surveys.
    Who took the photo, and what happened to them afterward?

  5. Obama's aunt Zeituni has been living here illegally for a long time. This video will irk you mightily.


    The Big Zero is asked specifically whether she should be deported. "If she breaks a law," he says. Meaning ANOTHER one.

    I couldn't watch the whole thing. I left at "What does America owe you?"
    "What do you owe America?"
    "Nothing! It's a free country."
    Our sons and daughters "owe" America 100 hours of community service, or two years, depending on which statist is dictating at the moment.

  6. "The master of all he surveys.
    Who took the photo, and what happened to them afterward?"

    The official propaganda organ of the state, The FleaBC.

    It was during the hunt for steroid fed convicted girlfriend beating ex bouncer, Raoul Moat, in the village of Rothbury.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the ignorant shit of a photographer asked the cop to pose that way for added effect and the cop, like the power crazed fool he obviously is, obliged.

    Worst thing is, I found out long after the events, My own mother was in northern England, visiting folks in that town the day that the only one and media circus arrived. That cretin may well have had his gun pointed at her!

    sorry about hijack of the comments on your thread, and thanks for your patience,

  7. David.


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