Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Pro-Gun President

Obama gives TCU rifle team a warm welcome at White House [More]
And he says he shoots with the Secret Service!

Can this be far behind, to appeal to the Fudds among us?

[Link and graphic via Brian F]


  1. Looks like his aim is on target. He has already shot himself in the foot politically. LOL

  2. I wonder what he uses as a target.

  3. It's just polyticking. It cost him nothing politically but might garner a few votes for Democrats from pro gun rights people who don't trust their Republican candidates in the upcoming election.

  4. When my daughter (age 10) competed last year at Camp Perry in the junior Olympic air pistol competition we met one of the girls that is now on the TCU team. It was a bit of a thrill to tell my little one that that might be her someday.

    Any good news about the shooting sports is nice to hear.

    Go girls! :-)



  5. This goes back to the divine right of kings where hunting the king's deer in the king's forest would rate hanging for the commoner.

    The elite scumbaggery class that do hunt have always considered it, other shooting sports and gun possession their exclusive domain.

    If you'll rememeber shumer's idiotic grin while he was blasing away with a Tec-9.

    They say "The unwashed masses shouldn't have such things! We're much more able to determine who should have what and how much, don't you know!"

    obummer may or may not be staging a false photo op. He may actually like to hunt and shoot.

    In any event, he's still trying to play to the fudds.

  6. Note the credit: "...graphic via Brian F..."

    That's a Photoshopped picture. It was originally one of John Kerry, who was, indeed, playing to the Fudds.

    I superimposed O's face, but my efforts are very crude because I'm not a graphic artist. Brian saw my attempt and gave me a superior rendition.

  7. If one of them had asked whether she can buy one of those M-1 rifles back from South Korea, would he have done a Biden?: "Don't be a smartass!"
    I guess not. Biden's job is to make Obama look good, kind and reasonable by contrast.

  8. To paraphrase...

    Goes to show, you can dress him up and take him anywhere, he still looks like a doofus.

    How utterly "transparent"...


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