Friday, September 24, 2010

Slaughter on the Tea Party Express

Look what was on the tracks and in the way... [Read]

Hey, Concerned American needed some new dead elephant pictures anyway...

Still, Sir Topham Hatt is gonna be pissed...

[Via Ed M]


  1. David,

    My favorite is borrowed from Michell Malkin:

  2. I love it. "You have caused confusion and delay!" - Sir Toppham Hatt

  3. Seeing these photos, I'm sad that some poor animal was killed by accident.

    On the other hand, the GOP? Meh. Good riddance.

  4. I love it. Karl Rover is a political hack of the first order. I despise him.

  5. If you really want to gag, watch this.

    These privileged NeoCon luminaries --who are more mature than us "childish" extremists-- think it's politically smart to fake a "ghetto" accent and pull off this embarrassing display--and note what I can only describe as monkey noises at around 1:18 into it...


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