Thursday, September 09, 2010

We're the Only Ones Angry and Hateful Enough

''If I had to summarize, I'd just say it's a lot of hatred and and a lot of anger,'' Hlynsky said. [More]
"A lot"?

So who better to send out among us armed and vested with authoritah?

What kind of head case gets into a state of hatred over the trivial concessions listed, especially when you consider how government has screwed the base economy that supports all this "public service"? Guess what kind of concessions most in the private sector have had to make?

These are the "Only Ones" the antis say we must cede a monopoly of violence to? How do we know they won't take it out on us? Why should we think they won't?

Their own guy makes 'em sound more like a public menace, who should be dealt with accordingly if they get out of line.


  1. He, and the rest of the herd like him, haven't seen hatred and anger, YET.

  2. As a public employee of a school system, these "concessions" are trivial. I have had NO raise in three years, had my medicaal cost go up every year, had furloughs(sp) this year. I am sorry, but to lose "fitnes" money have a unform expense go down slightly and no layoffs? We have had more then that in the last three years and we are paid less than these "only ones" and have to work in "Unprotected Victum Zones" while the local "only ones" have had cola among other raises.


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