Thursday, September 30, 2010

We're the Only Ones Dumbed Down Enough

Ald. Anthony Beale, the Chairman of the City Council Police Committee, suggests the city should eliminate one specific requirement to become a Chicago Police officer in order to increase diversity in the ranks. He says applicants should no longer be required to complete at least two years of college to get on the force.

The reduced education requirement would "level the playing field" for minority applicants, said Beale. [More]
Yeah, what kind of moron would want these guys educated before we set them loose on the populace?

Tell me this doesn't remind you of the "Support Your Local Polece" PSA from "Radio Dinner" (11:43 on side 2)

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Mama Liberty]


  1. Colleges complain about how the first year or more of a student's career is often spent in REMEDIAL studies, learning things the high schools failed to teach. Grammar, spelling, simple logic and deductive reasoning. But the freshmen show up feeling REALLY GOOD about themselves...
    Police work was blue-collar for a long time. I don't mind that, nor do I object to a diverse police force OR a homogenous one of almost all one race -- IF they're fluent in the Bill of Rights.
    But then, that would no longer be Chicago.

  2. I want police officers to be highly trained and educated in areas related to their job not neccesarily well educated through institutes of higher learning since it has been my observation that many lose common sense the more highly educated they become.

  3. If they really are serious about leveling the playing field for minority applicants, then they should hire nothing but gangbangers, and pay them minimum wage.

  4. Oh joy... as opposed to being several of orders of magnitude smarter than the officers in question I will be MANY orders of magnitude smarter.

    This will end well. I promise you.

    Who am I kidding.... BWAHAHAHAHA


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