Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Will only criminals oppose proposed Portland gun edicts?

"All five are aimed at curbing illegal gun use. And there's no reason why anyone in Oregon, except criminals, should be opposed to doing that."

Well, sure there are. Lots of them. And good ones. [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column concludes that all depends on the meaning of the word "criminal."

Also link up to a concluded WorldNetDaily interview with yours truly, an upcoming Trigger Sports Live! interview with yours truly, and an answer to an open question referencing yours truly.

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  1. When you become a criminal for merely doing what you've always done legally, then it's the government that is criminal. It's the increasingly steep slope on the road to hell. Time to stop the teeth-clenching and start the monkeywrenching.

  2. What a nebbish. Looks like Fargo from SyFy's "Eureka."

    I wonder what else Portland and other Mayors Against Illegal Guns cities are up to.
    Richmond, VA, plans to renovate a two-block-by-two-block park used mostly by the homeless -- for $6.7 million. It wouldn't cost that much to BUY that land. They're soliciting private donations too, of course. Other homeless people live in tents in another park down along the river, and churches in the area take turns feeding and sheltering about 100 others, while hundreds of housands of square feet of former retail space stand empty, their tenants driven out of the city by taxes.
    Nice priorities, Mr. Mayor.
    My point being, if they're anti-gun-rights, they're probably light in the logic centers on most things and concerned mostly with building monuments with their name on a plaque.


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