Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ATF: Surplus Korean firearms import 'pose a threat to public safety in the U.S.'

"...ATF believes the importation of these firearms, particularly the M1 carbine rifle and M-1911 pistol, poses a threat to public safety in the U.S." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at how unaccountable bureaucrats turn their unsubstantiated anti-gun assumptions into a way to advance their agenda--and screw us in the process.

This one is important. Please share the link.


  1. Anything that goes bang, boom or pop.

  2. Anything that goes bang, boom or pop. And soon, pfft. (Air guns) Like in formerly Great Britain.

  3. I'm a member of the U.S. Military. I know how to read - and comprehend - the language our laws are written in, and the oath I was and am required to take and hold. After reviewing various reports on how the ATF is being used to ban weapons, I have to say that no, repeat no personal weapons are a threat to us. Rather, the ATF and other portions of our government apparatchiks are the actual threat. In our duty to support and defend our Constitution, we need to ignore, disregard, and abolish the ATF, and do the same for each individual member of any government agency, bureau, or branch of the government which supports their efforts. Any government groups which make it policy, officially or otherwise, to subvert the clear meaning of the Second, or any other, Amendment should also be abolished.


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