Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A Calm and Submissive State

The (Feed the) Hogs Whisperers...? [Read]

[Via Kurt Hofmann]


  1. Why not one showing Einsatzgroupen, or the SchutzenStaffel, the Cheka, or the KGB? I mean, if they're going to glorify murdering,rapist,thieving, baby killing monsters, let's give all the real pro's a shot too.

  2. Did you see this line:

    "ATF, the US's smallest but most elite law enforcement agency..."

    Yeah right

  3. Did you see this line:

    "ATF, the US's smallest but most elite law enforcement agency..."

    Yeah right

  4. I don't much TV, usually surfing between the History Channel and the Military CHannel. I used to watch that TV show "Cops" but I figured out it was just propaganda attempting to get "us" used to being treated like dogs by the police so we won't be too upset when "it" happens to "us."

    Sometimes the local ATF office has a table at a local gun show. I usually choose to go right past it without comment. I will admit the first time I saw them at a gun show I did get some of the free literature they were giving away, but that was before I had any knowledge of the Olafson case.

  5. I don't know about smallest, but they are the most elite. They can break any law they want, and lie and perjure themselves in court, all with impunity. That's pretty elite in my book. Also, downright criminal.


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