Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Haslam Pledges to Sign Constitutional Carry Bill

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Haslam says he would sign legislation to eliminate Tennessee's permit requirements for carrying handguns in public, meaning most Tennesseans could go armed if they choose to do so. [More]
Would he really?

From Leonard Embody, via email:
He showed up at a Tennessee Firearms meeting last night. Me and a couple of other guys including Richard Hamblen got him to say he would sign legislation. This helps pressure the legislature.

This has been spreading all over Tennessee. It is a big deal because Haslam has a B rating with the NRA. He was a member of Bloomberg's Mayors against guns. As Mayor he oversaw the banning of guns in Knoxville City Parks.

Click here for the YouTube Q&A from Embody.


  1. Haslam is pro tax and anti 2A as proven by his actions. A spoiled brat born with a silver spoon that looks like a cartoon character. I voted for a pro gun independent since the d in the race is even worse.

  2. I'd appreciate a more conservative governor as well. However, Haslam did commit to signing into law unpermitted carry if the legislature passed it. I'm going to vote for him and hope the Republican majority can get it done in the next 4 years.
    I wish he would have out sooner.

  3. He seemed to give the standard statist answer that a training and permit requirement BROADENED gun carry rights (eventually), as in restaurants and other formerly banned places, IF you get government permission. I consider that a net loss, a measure of surrender.
    His oponent seems to think the world will end if permits are not required.
    Is Haslam thinking that ending the permit SYSTEM would be a good idea? No permit, no carry.
    Can a weasel change his stripes?

  4. Its truly incredible, and holding true to the definition of insanity of repeating the same action again and again and expecting a different result. Can anyone show an example of voting for a proven anti, proven by his own actions, where he did anything to abide by the Constitution and respect your rights? Its like sending a contribution to the nra because they are "fighting for your rights" this time, you aren't supposed to remember their last back stabbing. And you aren't supposed to remember how the politician with the r after its name screwed you the last time either. Good grief, we are well and truly screwed, we have met the enemy and it is us.


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