Monday, October 11, 2010

Idol Worship in the Keystone State

Gun god: The House pays homage by blessing a lethal bill [More]

After all, why would we paranoid gun god worshipers mistrust "Only Ones" who oppose self-defense--for our own good, we are to believe? What type of primitive rejects the One true god of the State?
That line of thinking represents the very worst instincts of the tinfoil malcontents.

Yes, much more rational to listen to wise, civilized and spiritual "Authorized Journalists" who have great experience in matters dealing with exorcising street demons.

They do, don't they?


  1. Doubtless these authorized journalists approve of the man being taken down by police for wearing a handgun as he worked in his yard. Shouldn't he have to "retreat" into his castle before exercising his right to STAY ALIVE?
    No wonder violent criminals get bolder and bolder. They have lots of supporters.

  2. You know, i read that headline and started to get pissed off, then i read the story and couldn't help but laugh. the anger in this story is from the other side because they're not winning anymore (but they are definitely still whining)
    While i would prefer that a "Castle Law" were not necessary to protect me from the courts after i protect me from the criminals, this is a positive step in the right direction.

  3. Oh no, "Gun Worhship"! They're all murders-in-waiting. We need to pass an assault weapons ban and require background checks! Vote Clinton!

    Christ almighty, was this guy in a coma for the last 15 years?

  4. "Gun God", eh? Well, if I find myself in need of an idiot lesson, I'll go to the Post-Gazette's editorial page editor for it.

    He just doesn't understand what a right is and that a right is NOT subject to the democratic process nor to arguments of utility. It a right were subject to that, his mouth would be silenced.


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