Thursday, October 14, 2010

Of Course There Are

What do you mean there's "no such thing as shovel-ready projects"? [More]

Tell that to these guys.

1 comment:

  1. I knew, somehow, that the link would go to something involving mass graves.
    A result of "lifting a finger" during that "hand to hand combat" he says will be necessary in the Capitol?
    Sonderkommandos wanted. Must have strong stomach, and no conscience.
    Good to know that WE won't let it go that far.
    Remember that Obama says the objections to his health care mandates are the result of "not enough marketing and public relations" spending and, oh, yeah, "not listening to PUBLIC OPINION." Who was the Cabinet member who said Americans need "re-education"? When he wants us to have an opinion, he'll issue us one.
    All the red flags are there.


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