Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Perfect Servant

So worn down by the violence, so subservient and submissive had Bandar become that he was incapable of any effective resistance. [More]
Bandarizing--now there's a concept! Have you been bandarized?


  1. Spoiled elites always do this throughout history, I think it's secretly even worse today. At least the victim wasn't a kid. These people like to sexually assault and murder children especially. Yeah, and it's people like the "Prince" who are the "only ones" in tyrannies like saudi arabia.

  2. Seems apropos to mention "The Return of the Living Dead." A young man works for a medical supply house. Zombie bodies stored in drums in the basement are exposed to air and vaporize, raising the local dead, including cadavers in their refrigerator. They want to eat your brains. After one fight and a narrow escape, the young man lets fly with some profanity. His supervisor immediately hits him with "You watch your mouth, boy, if you want to keep this job!"
    You know there are ten people behind you who need a paycheck, waiting for you to slip. Better conform, eh?
    It was planned this way for a long time.
    on the other hand, many people at the media company where I used to work DID conform very well, and were still ushered out the door.
    Might as well live free.

  3. Longtime NPR analyst Juan Williams given the boot for saying -- in a "world of jihad" -- that he is worried by "people who identify themselves as Muslims first."


    When he's on a plane with people in Islamic dress, he gets nervous.
    Meanwhile, a legally-blind veteran has his folding white cane taken by a flight attendant on American Airlines. His return flight on United lets him keep it.


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