Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pro-Gun "Progressives"?

So it's fashionable to be supportive of these national socialists, but not the other kind...? [Read]

[Via cycjec]


  1. Yes.

    Support "Progressives/socialists/whatever slur is popular today" when they want to further your causes.

  2. A little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Reading the blog is like hanging out at a cesspool for lunch.

  3. It's always been a dilemma for me to try to determine why in the world a bunch of "progressives" would want to hand all the power of the gun to the government, and the government only. Some of the comments following the article reflect that way of thinking.

    These are the people who hated and distrusted George Bush, but wanted good ole George to be in charge of armed federal police, and who want the hoi polloi disarmed. By government actors, of course. They can't be expected to dirty their hands in that effort.

    Yet they would accede all the power to use guns - including ownership and possession of guns - to armed government actors.

    Maybe they believe, as do all "useful idiots," that when their favorite political party is in power, and their neighbors have all been conveniently disarmed, that they will be in the "special" class of people, and they will receive some sort of special protection by these armed actors.

    Perhaps they should stop watching Dancing with the Stars on TV and break open and read some history books.

    History bears out that useful idiots are among the first ones to be disposed of once their Utopian world view is implemented.

    At least they won't fight back. They'll go sniveling to their fate, explaining that if only Mussolini (or whomever) knew about this outrage, he, or she, would fix it. Then they'll put up their hands and submit.

    But then, that can't happen here.

  4. You won't hear them talk about training.
    Too much like a militia.


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