Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Watchmen Reminder

I'll be Doc Bean's guest tonight on The Watchmen (5:00 pm-6:00 pm PST/8:00pm-9:00pm EST), when we'll be talking about the Korean surplus rifle story and more.

Click here to listen live. I understand you can also chat while the show is in progress.

The toll-free call-in number is 1-888-953-5911 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-888-953-5911      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, but they do request those who have "free" long distance to please call 1-541-787-4028 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-541-787-4028      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

I hope you can join us.


  1. Dave Cumming10/19/2010 9:12 PM

    Just listened to you on The Watchmen (man)?

    I've oft referred to you as my favorite author on the subject of the 2A etc. Found you equally impressive live.

    Thank you for your courage, and the good sense that permeates your writings. I haven't been reading the CCRKBA BLOG much lately, so don't get 'reminded' about your site. Will try to do better about reading both.

    Am a disabled vet (Vietnam) and several health issues prevent my doing much of anything -- or at least I allow them too. It is very humbling to know there are folks like you out there, doing what is right, and doing it well. Thank you.
    Dave Cumming

    P.S. -I have no accounts such as you seem to perhaps require. Hope I can get this thru without the hassle of signing up for anything. (I have over 3K unopened email messages at this time. Don't want to join anything. Don't know how to 'use tags.'

    Also, there is no word in the box to copy. Don't know if that means you haven't turned on the comment capability for today's item or not.DC

  2. Thank you for the kind words, Mr. Cumming. I get my share of flames, so an occasional attaboy is much appreciated.

    No need for any special accounts to comment here and your post came through just fine.

    In re "doing much of anything," all we can do is what we can. If you see something that resonates and you think your friends will benefit from it, send them the link with your recommendation. If more did that simple thing, it would really help.

    I think of guys like Doc and others putting themselves on the line and doing what they can, and shake my head that they have to struggle to make their voices heard when the mainstream puts on subversive fools who can reach so many more with their idiotic statist drek--and while there is something to be said for quality over quantity, if those who appreciate such efforts would take a moment to share them with others, we could make good inroads at expanding the reach and effectiveness of such messages.


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