Thursday, October 14, 2010

We're the Only Ones Finest Enough

New York's Finest Police Cover-Up
Ten cops beat up cabbie, then cuff one of their own for trying to stop them. [More]
What, you mean it's not just "a few bad apples"? At least this explains why more don't come forward...

And remember: If you lift a finger...

[Via WRSA > Two--Four]


  1. Can a whole bushel of rotten apples spoil the "Only One" that's not spoiled?

  2. How is that new TV series "Blue Bloods" (denoting a certain nobility)? Is it a one-hour PR commercial for the authoritah of the NYPD? Should we call him Tom SellOUT?

  3. Antics of big-city police departments. Shadowing the SALVATION ARMY and preventing them from giving free donuts to the hungry homeless. Pouring charity soup down the storm drain because maybe the kitchen in which it was prepared didn't have a health department inspection and license. It's OK if people eat out of restaurant Dumpsters, though...


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