Saturday, November 27, 2010

ATF attempting to reclassify small arms ammunition without public input

A “working group” has been established.  A pledge of sorts to “make certain that ‘we get this right’” has been made, and we’re told to expect progress updates.

So: crisis averted, our leaders are on the job and we can go back to sleep now, right?

Not so fast.  Let’s take a closer look.  [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column relates an explosive new development and notes that not all interests have been invited to the table to discuss how the blasting might affect them.

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  1. A commenter somewhere suggested that we need a liberty Doomsday Clock, like the one the scientific community has to estimate the likelihood of nuclear war.
    I'd say this little scheme moved the hands ahead a bit. A shotgun is a "destructive device," and a large-caliber cartridge is "an explosive"? Then anything could be classified as something else and banned from general possession.
    Tick tock.
    I wonder how the local ATF boys will feel about being on the front lines enforcing these mad diktats from DC, where the rubber meets the road and the bullet hits the bone.

  2. Uh, that was me.

    This seems very much a Divide-and-Conquer strategy.

    Heed the warning of Ben Franklin:

    "We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."

    Actually, David could adopt a DefCon readiness alert system if he wanted. That's an idea.

  3. Come to think of it, didn't the Axis powers rely on Collaborators to enable their evil?

    Of course. It seems history repeats itself.

  4. Any guns over .50 cal being stored at Lexington or Concord?
    Did King George send Gage,Smith,Pitcairn to try to confiscate those?

    Same issues, different day,
    Buckle up.

    The right of the people to keep guns under xx Caliber and yy Magazine Capacity and zz Powder, and to beg to openly/conceal with permit except at work/school/government buildings (the people's buildings) shall be regulated and restricted; for their own good.

  5. Together again....reminds me of a country song!
    Batfags and “NRA, SAAMI, Safari Club International and the NSSF.”
    How comforting, I really feel better now. Fudds selling out soon again, what a surprise.

  6. This is interesting. While the ATF is worried about our elephant gun cartridges and MAYBE shotgun shells (a 12-gauge is approx. .83 caliber) as "explosives," the FBI is intercepting Muslims who are trying to LEAVE THE COUNTRY to engage in jihad abroad and keeping them here, tricking them and training them for bombing plots they have neither the intelligence, inclination nor materiel to carry out themselves, so they can make a glorious bust for the homeland.


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