Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm Glovin' It!

From Michael G:
WND has an article claiming that TSA personnel performing "Enhanced Pat Downs" do not regularly change their latex gloves between passengers.

This got me speculating, the hard part of bio warfare is not the disease, but spreading it. Aerosol delivery is really pretty inefficient. But imagine a suicide bio bomber infected by a lethal disease spread by skin to skin contact booking an airline flight and refusing to go through the scanners? Then if the TSA personnel that performed the pat down failed to follow proper glove discipline he would spread it to every other passenger he searched until he finally changed his gloves. Possibly himself if he didn't know the proper way to remove gloves.
That and I'd be interested to know who their glove supplier is, whether controls are in place to prevent bio agents being placed in/on them during manufacturing/packaging, and whether distribution chain of custody controls are in place up to the time they are issued to the gropers...

Be something if they're made in China, wouldn't it?


  1. The "blue" gloves I've seen the TSA thugs wearing are vinyl, not latex.

    They are most likely made in Mexico, but could be made in China, Indonesia, or elsewhere.

    As a currently licensed RN, I can tell you that using gloves for more than one examination is likely illegal in most states, violating a number of public health acts.

  2. Well trained nurses in hospitals don't always follow proper glove protocol, and the gloves are available in big boxes racked out in the hallways of most facilities. I can only imagine the poor glove discipline of TSA molesters.

    And yes, most exam and EMT type gloves are manufactured in China. Have been for quite a while. I don't recall having any problems with them, and as far as I know, the "terrorists" don't come from China either.


    Actually, there's pretty clear evidence that there are NO "terrorists" in the US.

  3. Karma bites.

    The really good thing is that Karma exist and it will bite them back. While the TSA gropers and molesters are exposing us with contaminated gloves they are being exposed as well. They are even exposed to a greater extent as their gloves get dirtier and dirtier. I'm sure they touch themselves on their clothes and face without thinking about it. Then of coarse they must be breathing the same air as sick folk and their face is right close to that area that they are groping. Look to see a lot of sick TSA goons soon. Karma does indeed bite.

  4. The TSA JBTs don't wear the gloves to protect travelers.



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