Monday, November 22, 2010

It's All a Mistake

TSA chief: Body scan boycott would be mistake [More]
Why, what kind of urine-soaked fool wouldn't want us to irradiate and leer or grope at him--or his kids? McWopski thinks we ought to start calling them "Chesters."

Besides, if you're a statist pervert, you might just like it. Ewww...

Y'know, when I see a line like this, I can't help wondering how long the thin blue line would hold if the detainees decided they wanted to reclaim control over themselves.

That could be expanded to all other areas of government bullying, you know. When you just think about the disparity in numbers involved, the fact that obedience to tyranny is essentially voluntary, and dependent on--or vulnerable to--a critical mass really hits home.


  1. A lot of the people in that 500-foot line seem to be in business attire.
    Well. There are ways to have those face-to-face meetings in the comfort of your own office, via teleconference. The airlines better get it while they can.
    As for the rest of us, flying is discretionary. I won't be doing it. Unfortunately there are enough people who don't get it to keep the airlines alive and even profitable, willing to trade ALL our freedom for convenience.
    I notice Southwest no longer says "You are now free to move about the country." I guess people like me pointing out the irony was too much.

  2. Saw one of those RapeScanners being used to process incoming inmates to Chicago Cook County jail.

    Seems to be about the only place they should be used, IMO.

    Had to go to the local IRS office a dozen years ago and went through a metal detector at the guard (armed) building before being escorted to the entrance. Which had a sniffer tube (to test for bombs) before being allowed in.

    Bottom line, starve the beast. Do early, and do it often.

  3. How 'bout those Blue Nitrile Gloves, huh?

    Think they are for your protection? Hah, it's for theirs.

    What an easy way to transfer filth and disease, bedbugs, lice, and cooties, from one victim/traveler to the next.

    Have fun.

  4. Just wait until some victim who has undergone a colectomy gets assaulted and feces fly everywhere.

    Is this a terrorist?

  5. The Urban Dictionary online has added a new term, Gate Raped.
    I'm not proposing armed insurrection, but I also don't think a mid-term election is going to be enough to change DC. Anyone have an idea of how we gain critical mass and in what format would be useful?


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