Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Was election a victory for gun owners?

Are we safe?  Can we relax? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks if you can skin griz. That and Obama makes a prank phone call.

Also meet the Orlando GRE.

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  1. "...we've retained a Senate Majority Leader we're told will strangle anti-gun legislation in its crib."

    Eric "PATRIOT Act: There's no time to read it, just vote for it" Cantor?

    I hope the Tea Party tsunami has shaken him a bit.
    In the next district over, Rep(rehensible) Bobby Scott and his attack dog former Va. State Police Kommandant Gerald "The Douche" Massengill stand ready to propagandize, prevaricate and disinform to get those gun laws passed.
    I want to see them laughed off the House floor by the new folks.

  2. In other news, the People's Demokratik Republik of Kollyvornia remains the PDRK.

  3. David Kopel seems to think we're okay.

    Of course, this is a Marathon, not a sprint -- get it?


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