Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Are We Not Men?

Anne Arundel County police said the women were leaving The Rose Restaurant on Belle Grove Road just after 7 p.m. Saturday when a man approached them, threatened them with a claw hammer and took their purses. [More]
That was no man. Men don't do that.

That was a cowardly animal.

What is the law? Are we not men?

[Via William T]


  1. And why were those stupid clucks not at least prepared to deal with this criminal themselves? Even if they were dumb enough not to be armed, they did outnumber the cretin.

    No excuses ladies... unless you are too feeble to hold a metal rod and pull a lever, you are responsible for yourselves at all times.

    Get a gun, or get a keeper.

  2. I have to wonder how they've voted on Maryland handgun control in their long lives.
    Fingerprint requirement at the hardware store?
    But there are already so many claw hammers, ball-peen hammers and drywall hatchets in private hands. House-to-house searches are the only answer!

  3. Saw security camera video of a robber in Northern Virginia who attacked a convenience store clerk with a 6-foot stick. The clerk came back at him with a claw hammer. He lost.
    Rock breaks scissors. Scissors cut paper. Paper covers rock. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but nobody wants to get shot with even a .22 Short. Something to think about, Mr. Nguyen.


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