Friday, December 17, 2010

Feds Follow Constitution!

See, it clearly says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." [Read]

They're not.

They're disrespecting it!  No problem.

Hey--does this mean we can't get EID stamps any more...?


  1. "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".

  2. The Fed seems to want to take it upon itself to make sure that people aren't offended by a religious display.

    Folks in the United States of America have the right to freedom of religion. That right is recognized and protected by the 1st Amendment, "Congress shall make no law ... prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" Search the Constitution as I might, I cannot seem to find any reference to a right to be free from being offended.


  3. Wow, glad that hyperinflation/depression thing got solved so they have time to harass the innocent.
    Eighty-five percent of the U.S. population is at least nominally Christian. It's a fact. Jews number around eight percent and Muslims about four percent.
    Moreover, Oklahoma is in the Bible Belt. It's unlikely that any customers at all would be offended, and they can take their business elsewhere.
    Not allowing the religious symbols of one's choice is as bad as forcing one to display the symbols of others. One notable example is ... the swastika.
    Should I mention the outright contempt I was shown when I a) stopped at the local halal grocery -- a UPS shipper, says so right on the door -- to ship a prepaid return parcel and was refused, and b) visited a thrift shop that turned out to be Muslim owned, al-Jazeera in Arabic blaring on the TV? Hey, they have the right to refuse service to anyone, and I agree with that, BUT *I* never oppressed anybody. They could have made a friend, but they're not interested. Most Christians, in my experience, at least make an effort to be nice to EVERYBODY, at least at first.
    "God with us" is one of the objectionable slogans. That's the translation of the Hebrew word "Emanuel." So when Rahm Emanuel is mayor of Chicago, he shouldn't have his name on his office door or letterhead...
    Oh, you can take it very, very far. Ridiculously so.

  4. You can still have a cross in Iraq. The Muslims will even paint it on your house for you. As a target indicator.

    How many U.S. and other troops died to rescue them from Saddam Hussein's oppression? Yeah, seems like they don't need him for that anyway.
    Gates of Vienna points out that the Iraqi constitution, written with U.S. help, specifies Islam as the national religion and sharia as the legal system. Afghanistan's too. We don't want to violate the Prime Directive, you know. We just want to be the world's mercenary force.

  5. The blood - it boils.

    Why do these people not say "f*** you VERY much!" and leave their stuff right where it is?

    I would.

    In the spirit of making sure we are clear on what just happened here, some vermin just told a PRIVATE BUSINESS "stop your free exercise thereof, OR WE'LL KILL YOU."

    The "OR WE'LL KILL YOU" part is inherent in *ANY* government order.

    Keep pushing, morons...


  6. Cranky_Yankee12/17/2010 5:08 PM

    Hey you want to wade in their pool, then you have to follow their rules.

    Same as a 501c3 rule for a church.

    You (generic) sat back for 50 years and let them slowly nick away at your freedoms, because it didn't concern you specifically. Now you complain.

    Welcome to the party pal.

  7. Problem is, D-Dad, we don't have any more private businesses in the USSA anymore. They're ALL regulated by government. If the acronymic asshats aren't finding something to report to their supervisors and asserting their assumed authority they're not earning their keep.

    I've had the pleasure of telling a couple of federal agents, when actually asked, that the only thing I want my government to do for me is to leave me the hell alone.


  8. The Fed backs off... publicly. I wonder how they'll mess with them now. Lots of surprise audits?


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