Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Progressives, liberals and left of center politicians have teamed up to radically curtail the rights of Republican Senators in the next Congress. They have a plan to “kill the filibuster,” so that they can establish a top down system of control next year in the Senate. [More]
Thanks, "true champion of the Second Amendment" Harry Reid!

[Via Mack H]


  1. so let me get this straight. the constitution's first and foremost governing body, congress, rewrites its own rules whenever people are successfully convinced of a new myth or story about "how it works."

    so in other words, there's rules, but the government doesn't follow them. except, that same government also makes the rules that everyone else follows, or else. and we see every day that members of this group go all only one on us pretty regularly. if i'm not mistaken, we see a rape, robbery or murder from behind a badge pretty much every week, sometimes several days in a row.

    gee, sounds a lot like what conservatives the world over think anarchy would be like. competing monopolies of force and all that, right?

    well, point of fact, if all you need to change the "law" is a good story, then it is anarchy, and the only question for the believer is whose authority to worship. well if its the state you're after, why not leave the rest of us alone while you do it? ever notice that's what christians do -- turn the other cheek? grin and bear it? not point a gun at you and stick a bible in your hands?

    whoops. gotta go corral my dangling chads.

  2. Excellent, Jon.

    I've never thought much of the practice of filibustering -- reminds me of a child sticking his fingers in his ears and going "La la la la can't hear you!" so no one else can talk.
    Any tactic that delays the enemies of freedom is OK with me.
    I will say that relying on a Supreme Court ruling on whether it's unconstitutional or not is a fool's premise. We know how they are.
    Ironic. A banana republic where you can't grow bananas.

  3. A true filibuster is an event to behold; a verbose legislator standing in the well, holding the floor for hours, for days, peeing his pants, foaming at the mouth but not yielding.

    This nonsense we call filibuster now is just bs...preserve the real filibuster and screw Harry freakin' Reid to the floor once and for all time.

  4. Thank you jon and David!

    Please remember, Harry Reid LOVED the filibuster when 'W' was president.

    Now he doesn't. It's not about principle, it's about POWER.

  5. According to this, Udall and Schumer are behind this.

    Reid’s plan is backed by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y), the ambitious operator who is Chairman of the Rules Committee. Schumer held six hearings in 2010 alone on the filibuster and Senate rules changes.

    Backed by Schumer and Reid, Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) drafted three major rules changes, which he will bring up for a vote on January 5.


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