Monday, December 13, 2010

Justice Breyer says Framers would support ‘gun control’

I’m not a sportsman, judge. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a domestic enemy who is apparently arrogant enough to feel confident in his treachery.

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  1. The Supreme Court is becoming less relevant than my granny's widow-women's penny-ante poker luncheons, and they're all dead.

  2. Breyer is just another example of progressive/fascism's success in America. He is, fortunately, on the way out.

    After all, Supreme Court justices serve for life, and not a moment longer. Unless they resign.

  3. David, have you read the transcript?

    I watched the interview -- he actually stuck up his wet finger and said:

    WALLACE: How is -- how is it possible -- when the country is so sharply divided, has been debating an issue for year, all of the politicians, and at some point over the next few years the nine of you in your robes are going to come from behind that red curtain and you're going to declare it's -- the individual mandate is legal, is constitutional or not constitutional, how do you maintain public confidence there?

    BREYER: Well, the main point is I can tell you how not to do it. The way not to do it -- hold your finger up to the political winds. That's not the job of the judge. The judges are not politicians. They're not junior league politicians and not senior league politicians.

  4. Yessss, Justices for life........very interesting.


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