Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Perfectly Clear

I wanted to make sure everyone heard from me about this law enforcement initiative so there isn’t any confusion. [More]
No confusion here, Ken. I know exactly what this is about.


  1. "We don't need no steenkeeng Congress!"
    Congress has let the dogs out. Sometimes dogs turn and rend their masters, when they've had enough of being mastered. It's not like we haven't been warning them for decades. Remember when the Russians used artillery on their equivalent of the Capitol? "Cut my funding, will you!?!"

    Mmmm. Banner ads from Armalite. Looks like they make a .50 BMG. Sweet. If my honey wins the lottery, I'll take one, and an AR-10, and plenty of Ugly Rifle Chow.

  2. "so there isn’t any confusion", later, Ken says,
    "Let me be absolutely clear."

    Does clarity require an announcement as if it were a never before seen novelty? These are the sounds an official makes when trying to obfuscate the truth, not reveal it.

  3. The FCC joins the fun with 'Net "Neutrality." It's a go. The leftist Huffington Post is already complaining about the Obama FCC's "caving in" and the "watered-down" regulations.

    Remember when the U.S. Park Police said THEY were "content neutral" so they tried to prevent kids from singing patriotic songs at the Lincoln Memorial?
    That kind of "neutral."

    Dictator-for-a-year Chavez of Venezuela is, for his first imperial edict, tightening Internet restrictions. No criticism of government or "good customs." Which means whatever he says it means, I guess.

    Fortunately, WE have Eric "PATRIOT Act" Cantor to make sure the FCC stays on track. Oh joy.




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