Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Second Amendment attorney: ATF’s proposed long gun ‘emergency’ regs illegal

Further, the report claims “The regulation proposed is outside the statutory grant of authority to record information about multiple sales of firearms,” a concern Second Amendment scholar, author and attorney David T. Hardy details on his Of Arms and the Law blog... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column clears up some confusion caused by a bureaucrat who doesn't want to confuse us as he confuses usurpation with legitimate authority.


Then tune in to Trigger Sports--it's Pre-recorded! this time (don't be confused, just watch and enjoy), and resolve to surround yourself with guns, guns and more guns...

The more people you share the link with, the fewer will end up being confused by all this...


  1. I got this far:!searchResults;a=ATF;rpp=10;so=DESC;sb=postedDate;po=0

    Either it's not listed or the comment period expired Nov. 3 or I was looking in the wrong category of about 15... It's a bureaucratic maze.
    You'll enjoy the two semi-literate comments objecting to eliminating Form 4473 (comment period ended Nov. 3). It has ATF employee written all over it.
    Secrets and lies...

    I just emailed my congressman, Eric "PATRIOT Act" Cantor, to let him know how disappointed I am with the post-election Congress letting the ATF and FCC (net neutrality is coming )go berserk, and with the nationalization of the food industry under S.510, the Food Safety and Security Act.
    And now I shall commence holding my breath waiting for change.

  2. Of course the BATFAE's new regulation is or will be illegal, which is entirely irrelevant.

    The US government defines its own limits now, WORL is the current governing method, is psycho-speak,it is a self-actualizing institution now.

    The law means what they say it means, nothing more and nothing less.


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