Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tolerance and Diversity

I know some academic leftist "feminist" tolerance and diversity "activists" who would be treated in precisely this manner if the whip-wielders had their way. Actually worse--all this poor creature did was wear slacks. Can you imagine what these savages would do to a woman who committed more serious expected gender behavior-related "transgressions"?

But it's us throwbacks who are the enemy.

Maybe we could get a few of those guys to immigrate here, maybe drive the cabs Americans won't drive, and basically help us secure the blessings of Liberty, seeing as how all cultures are equal and we should celebrate our diversity or else we'll get called the "R" word by the very people they'd cheerfully stone to death.


  1. Thirty people took Supreme Court Justice Breyer's advice, that if you don't like the laws where you are, go somewhere else. They tried to get from Muslim Indonesia (recently visited and praised by Obama) to Australian territory (ironically, Christmas Island) in a boat. They all died.

  2. In Pakistan -- you know, our ally in the War on Terror -- a Christian minister was attacked and set on fire for distributing Christian pamphlets ... to Christians.

    Mo can't stand competition.

    Back to the woman in Sudan. We hear the phrase "rule of thumb." It comes from the ancient practice restricting the diameter of a switch or stick to the thickness of a man's thumb when you beat your donkey, your wife or your (other) slaves. Otherwise, maiming occurs, reducing the punished's value to the collective.
    The whip in the video seems to be in compliance, and the punishment was all government-legal.
    If the woman had tried to flee, or a friend or relative tried to intervene, anyone sheltering her would have gotten even WORSE punishment. A snitch culture.
    Hey, weren't we just talking about...?

  3. All I see is:
    "This video has been removed by the user."

    I wonder why he would want to remove it?

  4. Fifty-three lashes. Jesus got 39 from the Romans, which they claimed was merciful because 40 was traditionally said to be fatal.
    The video stops before even 30, I think. Those laughing policemen... I bet they'd do it to their own relatives. Muslim first, everything else a distant second.
    Let's see if I have this right. Islam mandates that women be covered and men and women can't pray together (five times a day they pray) because the sight of female curves leads the man into lustful thoughts, distracting him from the search for holy wisdom, so if a woman shows her ankle or calf she should be beaten bloody as she screams for her mama. So schoolgirls should take time to put on their burkas before fleeing a burning building or be beaten back inside by the purity police. So rape victims should be slain by their husbands, brothers or fathers for being "in a condition not compatible with chastity." But raped again first by all the village elders.
    But Obama apologizes to the UN and the world for the United States' human rights record.


    More Pakistan: Only Christian woman in the village accused of blasphemy -- insulting the prophet Mohammed -- to settle an old score. Faces hanging. Local imam says "If someone is accused of blasphemy under the law and that person is pardoned, we will take the law into our own hands."
    In the name of Allah the merciful and compassionate, of course.
    This whole village and the one next to it are not worth the life of one American.

  6. Some Muslims object to the MISuse of the blasphemy laws, at least.

    A doctor threw away the business card of a visiting vendor. The vendor's name was, of course Muhammad something. Blasphemy!

    Note that the doctor apologized, but people pressed the case with police. When the doctor was finally released, he was transferred away in an ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER for his safety.!!!

    I am not exactly reassured.

  7. Islam and all its' adherents: The idiotic scum of the earth. I'll be glad when good ol' Ft. Sumter burns to the ground, 'cause I got me some work to do.

  8. From England:

    A Muslim member of the House of Lords says it's ridiculous to believe Muslims would be offended; they have been talking to Christians for 1,400 years, and Muslims respect all other religions.
    Must be those rare Muslim extremists making a fuss again. The one percent.
    That would still be one hundred million.

  9. And Egypt. "Moderate" Muslim Egypt.
    This man wanted something more than "fear and rote obedience." Now his neighbors want him dead.

  10. And Spain:
    Clam up about ham!

    Perfectly OK to teach about HANDS, as in punitive cutting off of, though.

  11. And Canada, via Gates of Vienna:

    A Muslim Canadian government official of Montreal hands out pamphlets urging boycotting a shoe store because it sells a few shoes made in Israel. "Worse than China," he has exclaimed. When this was widely publicized, the official claimed he was "misunderstood."

    If it comes up in French, there's a translate button upper right.
    "Only a few extremists..."
    Yeah, right.


    A commenter talks about cab drivers who won't transport people with alcohol or dogs (unclean), store clerks who won't handle bacon (not halal). Next they'll want to change the name of the town -- St. Peter.
    Minnesota welcomed 30,000 Somali Muslim immigrants -- who are now remaking it into the land they escaped from.


    Those are percentages of Muslim college students surveyed.
    The author says this study only became available when WikiLeaked. Also, students belonging to other religions favoring religiously-motivated killing and theocratic legal systems were practically zero.


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