Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We're the Only Ones En Masse Enough

Because  walking up and explaining neighbor concerns and ordinances in a respectful manner doesn't show people who the occupying force is. [Read]

Especially when the ordinance doesn't support your case.  Then it becomes paramount to tack on some resisting arrest/assaulting cop charges--just to even out those 20-to-one odds.

[Via Michael G]


  1. Just 20 random bad apples. I'm sure the rest of the force is straight-...er, arrow.
    There was no reason for a neighbor quarrel. I certainly understand why the man would feel the urge to bolt.

    Seriously, though, it's going to come down to the day when anyone wearing the same shoulder patch and badge is going to be fair game.
    This could be me. If my county bans backyard archery, I won't be doing anything any differently than I do now. See you on the news.

    The Lincoln police chief is quite chatty on his blog. He signs off one entry with "Stay classy."


  2. The best line in the whole confrontation is when the officer agrees that they need a search warrant to come in and look around but they don't need a warrant to sieze your property and then come in and look around.

    I say any sonofabitch trying to enter without the proper paperwork is a candidate for a long dirt nap.

    The day you start kicking my wife and children out of their home just because you can is the day the rules change for you forever. American citizens have had enough. We hold the option of using retaliation with extreme prejudice. Puff your peacock feathers while you still can. The gameboard is getting ready to change.

    Newark, Ohio


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