Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Pictures Don't Lie?

The head of C-SPAN has implored Congress to open up the last leg of health care reform negotiations to the public, as top Democrats lay plans to hash out the final product among themselves.

We're the Only Ones Not Minimizing Enough

Under the plea deal, Taghon agrees not to minimize the involvement of others in order to protect them. [More]

What--he and Huston and Buford aren't the "Only Ones" and there are still more rotten apples in the barrel?

It's getting so an honest citizen doesn't know which predatory criminal to shoot these days...or at least which one will not result in the full force of the state coming down on them.

[Via FFFW]

Mayors FOR Guns

I received the following response to my Gun Rights Political Questionnaire out of the blue from Joel Stoner, the mayor of Macks Creek, a small town (pop. 267 in the 2000 census) in MO. I'm using the Gun Rights Examiner columns to feature selected national races, but thought this deserved mention, particularly for the great idea he proposes at the end.

1. Do you believe that the Constitution is the "supreme law of the land" and that the Bill of Rights acknowledges our birthrights?


2. If so, should these rights be proactively protected from infringement by all levels of government, including city, county and state?


3. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider constitutional.

Laws requiring citizens to own firearms for the common protection of the city.

4. Please give some examples of gun laws you consider unconstitutional.

All others

5. Does the right to bear arms include the right for any peaceable citizen to carry them concealed without a permit, as in Vermont?


6. Do you believe that Americans have a right to own, use and carry weapons of military pattern, and will you use the prestige of elected office to publicly promote that right?

Yes, the second amendment was intended for the militia, by having an armed militia the people can protect their republic. Tell me how i can help and i will do what i can to promote the ownership of "military" style weapons. Truth is all firearms are suitable for military service. I personally own an SKS.

7. Do you support or oppose registration of weapons? Why?

I am dead set against any form of registration. Registration is the first step to confiscation. See Red Dawn for evidence that registration can be abused easily.

8. Do you support or oppose licensing requirements to own or carry firearms? Why?

Rights exist without government permission, to require a license to own or carry a firearm would severely infringe the second amendment right.

9. What specific gun laws will you work to get repealed?

I would like to see a repeal of all gun laws.

10. If elected, will you back your words of support for firearms
rights up with consistent actions? How?

The City of Macks Creek has passed resolutions in support of firearms ownership. I personally have been talking to the NRA to form a Mayors who support gun rights, to counter Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns(MAIG).

Joel Stoner, Mayor
City of Macks Creek, Missouri

Playing Fast and Loose

It's much more polite than calling them f...ing deceivers...[More]

[Via Michael G]

About that "Proposed 28th Amendment"...

"Proposed" by whom? [More]

Besides, it presumes that if we can only find the right incantation, the usurpers will suddenly fall into line and behave.

They ignore the clear words, proscriptions and limitations already in place--they've taken their oath and broken it--daily--with no repercussions. What makes anyone think they would follow this--or not add weasel-wording to change the meaning of what they did pass? Assuming that's the route they chose, as opposed to, say, a Constitutional convention--with all the inherent dangers that could enable...?

The problem in this case is not with the Constitution. The problem is there's no "or else," and hasn't been for each betrayal.

[Via Peter R]

Huge Difference...

Between "forgotten" and suppressed"... [More]

Be Kind to Animals...

...or else? [More]

I'm trying to reconcile the right of all to keep and bear arms and my natural inclination to treat animals humanely against the actions of intrusive social engineers forcing themselves on people and dictating how they treat their property.

The Humane Society is not one of my favorite organizations, particularly with their anti-hunting activism.

Kurt Hofmann talks about this in yesterday's GRE column.

Environmental Activism

"Guns have absolutely no place in a workplace environment and we will take further steps to ensure this never happens again." [More]
Except if it's an "Only Ones" environment, right? Including private security for the super-rich...

By the way, when I wrote about this, Dave Workman hadn't published his column yet...

IL US Senate Republican Candidate Kathleen Thomas Answers Gun Rights Questionnaire

Here are the responses from Kathleen Thomas...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks for a suitable replacement for Mark Kirk in an attempt to send the GOP a strong message about the unacceptability of anti-gunners in their ranks.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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