Monday, May 17, 2010

GRE Round Up for May 17

There's some good stuff being turned out by the Gun Rights Examiners. I hope you're availing yourself of it, and importantly, sharing these links via emails, on blogs and forums, with your local newspaper editor, etc.

A common complaint is media bias and absence of representation for "our side."

These people work hard to change that and ask for nothing from those of us their labors serve other than to help spread the word. I hope no one thinks that's too much to ask.

Here are their latest offerings:

Paul Valone/Charlotte:
'Gala for Gun Rights' draws surprise guest

Anthony Bouchard/Cheyenne:
Matt Mead for Governor, Star Tribunes latest praise spells caution

Daniel White/Cleveland:
Cleveland's fight against gun law preemption heats up

Dave Workman/Seattle:
Pierce County case has lesson for anti-gunners, and the press

Kurt Hofmann/St. Louis:
Go. Read. And please share these links.

You're doing that, right?

Speaking of the WoGroll...

I've started cleaning it up. Criteria for purging: Blogs that have not updated in 2010 and ones that have stopped reciprocating links are out of here...well, actually, I'm about a third of the way through the housecleaning...

If you have a blog that links to me and don't see it reciprocated, it's because I don't know about it. Please see the link policy in the left sidebar and shoot me an email if you want that corrected.

I'll Take Liberty

Death just isn't my style...[More]
If you haven't already seen her blog, go on over and see what Jennifer III is up to.

Interesting site...excuse me for a moment while I add it to the WoGroll...

We're the Only Ones Pleasant Enough

The city of Pleasant Hill Friday terminated a police officer who is accused of crashing his police squad car while high on methamphetamine. That's just one of several new developments in the case of Sgt. Daniel Edwards.

Edwards also was charged with burglary, a Class D felony. Late Friday afternoon, authorities confirmed that the burglary charge was filed because there is probable cause Sgt. Edwards stole meth from the Pleasant Hill evidence room. [More]
Make me a sergeant in charge of the...meth.

Yeah, he got to that position and nobody noticed he was out of control.

Except maybe members of the public he had "authoritah" over...?

[Via Joe T]

Newest Threat to Western Civilization!

The gun range loophole... [Read]

In other news, criminals don't obey the law. Developing.

We're the Only Ones Guilty Enough

Thanks to a jury in Ottawa Hills, Ohio, former police officer Thomas White is facing up to 11 years behind bars: plenty of time to think about the unarmed motorist he paralyzed with an unprovoked bullet more than one year ago. [More]
I still think had the situation been reversed, a lot more than 11 years would be at stake...

[Via MPR]

About That List...

A 2009 evaluation by the Justice Department's inspector general found that many nominations "were processed with little or no information explaining why the subject may have a nexus to terrorism." The FBI also "did not consistently update or remove watch list records when appropriate." [More]
Which won't slow down our domestic enemies from, listing to the left...

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Relative Enough

Sunday, family and friends were struggling to reconcile that person — devoted family man, church member and Pierce County sheriff's deputy — with the man who fatally shot his in-laws Friday night before taking his own life. [More]
Others of us are struggling to reconcile why "Only Ones" are automatically perceived by some to be more stable and trustworthy than peaceable armed citizens...

[Via lots of you]

Shooting Down RINOs

"Now as your assignment, my paisano, should you choose to accept it, is to research and find out how many other GOP voters are going to eschew the three RINOs, and vote for Jerry Brown." [More]
What, the Jerry Brown who campaigned on this...?

[Via dhj]

Small But Passionate

She agreed with Spangler that NRA members might find more common ground – on "the right to own a weapon and reasonable restrictions on that right" -- with more education. [More]
Define "common ground." Shall we see what one of the supporters says?
"I just hate guns," she said. "Scared of them; don't need them."
Right. That's what this crowd considers "reasonable."

Pushing for Defenselessness

"I'm considering moving," the woman said. "I'm just paranoid. I just don't feel safe here anymore." [More]
Gee, I wonder why. Maybe having to resort to pushing a button and praying the"Only Ones" authorized to pull a trigger will show up and save you has something to do with it.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town. If living there doesn't make you paranoid and insecure, you're crazy.

Don't Look for GOP to Block Kagan Over Guns

Why would we expect Republican careerists in the Senate, who have taken an oath to "support and defend the Constitution,"to view utter official disregard for the Second Amendment as "extreme"? After all, it says "shall not be infringed," but doesn't say anything about "eviscerated"... [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column makes note of what prominent GOP operatives do not consider to be "extreme". You know, every day stuff, like ignoring the Bill of Rights...

Also get a political update from New Hampshire and see the last of the Second Amendment March videos.

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