Watch the video. Oakland Police Capt. David A. Kozicki thinks he and his fellow badge-wearers are "The Only Ones" who should have .50 cal rifles, and they're willing to do just about anything to keep it that way--including giving that cretin Jerry Brown another shot at statewide political power--this time as attorney general.
What's that?
Dave's not wearing a badge?
That's funny--his shoulder patch is taped over, too.
Why do you suppose that is?
Oh, here's why:
The police department's manual of rules prohibits officers from using their names, photographs and positions in a campaign for elected office.
However, a department spokesman said the ad does not appear to violate the "letter" of the rule because Kozicki is identified as a "police captain," not an Oakland police captain.
Although Kozicki's captain bars are pinned to the collar of his department-issued blue uniform, he is not wearing his badge and his Oakland Police Department shoulder patch is taped over. No Oakland insignia can be seen.
Ha ha. Great way to stick with the "'letter' of the rule," Dave. You Only Ones know all the tricks!
But say, those cars behind you on the video? What "insignia" is on them? A seven-pointed inverted star around a circle with a graphic in the middle...It wouldn't be this one, would it, Dave?

Total hypocrisy. The minions will twist, pervert and subvert ANYTHING to advance their agenda.
What the h e double l is a "50 caliber assault rifle?"
Oh yeah - and since a 30-06 FMJ round will also penetrate four doors on an automobile I guess these "assault sniper rifles" will be next on the idiot-squad hit list.
Everyone who had ever taken any tactical training - or, for that matter who has a modicum of common sense - knows that a car door, or a car for that matter, is not cover.
It's simply concealment.
I didn't watch the video. I have seen cattle pass excrement with all the colon action that entails. I do not need to see a near human do the same.
I think, however, it is indicative of the state of the cretin's moral fortitude that he won't take "responsibility for his actions". Isn't that what they always say everybody must do? It appears that he is just a little cat-like (yeah, you know)when it comes to owning what he does.
No damn wonder he wants the edge on every weapons system, communication system, support system, and legal immunity. He's a p..... er, uh, cat-like.
I wonder if he is an organ donor. Do you suppose when he dies he will leave his body to the gynecological sciences? He should.
Ya! you go Dave!
David Kozicki is a hypocrite. I worked with Dave for 20 years at OPD. I can tell you he was not an advocate of gun control when he was working the streets. It seems that once he was promoted to higher rank and nested under the wing of Mayor Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown he has become an advocate of gun control. Want to bet that if Mayor JB gets elected to Attorney General, Dave K will be appointed chief of DOJ Investigators?
This stinks to high holy heaven!!!
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