Wednesday, June 02, 2010

GRE Round Up for June 2

Here are the latest Gun Rights Examiner posts:

Don Gwinn/Chicago:
The Daley dilemma: what to say when it turns out that "guns is the answer"?

Dave Workman/Seattle:
After today’s UK mass shooting, what makes gun banners think British laws would work here?

Kurt Hofmann/St.Louis:
Mexico City newspaper points to source of drug cartels' guns--the government

I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?

1 Question for Patrick J. Charles

How come you didn't correct your Britannica interviewer after he used the word "grants"? [Read]

Extreme Vigilantism

Homeowner Takes Law Into His Own Hands...

Even though this worked out in this situation, officers do not recommend taking these extreme measures to protect your home. [More]
Leave it to the "Authorized Journalists/Only Ones" alliance to wring their hands over an armed citizen protecting what is his and resolving things without firing a shot.

Best to paint things this way lest people start to think one group may not be as needed as we've been led to believe, and the other may not know what the hell it's talking about...

The Word Made Flesh

So, we have to make sure we’re prepared to answer in this life, or otherwise, as to how we have measured up.” [More]
So I guess that "Wall of Separation" the "progressives" are always pointing to doesn't apply to one of their own...?

I'm sure Americans United will start squawking any minute now...

We're the Only Ones...

...Controlling More than Animals Enough:
Mass. animal control officer accused in gun theft
...Fixing Tickets Enough
Lawtey PD Officer Arrested, Charged with Bribery, Accused of Offering to Take Cash for Tickets
...Unaccountable Enough
"They walked over and talked to him for a minute or two, then walked back to me ... and then stuffed it into my chest, and said, 'He doesn't have to enter your Census. He doesn't have to enter any Census. He doesn't have to fill out any of your forms or answer any of your questions. And if I were you, I'd get into my car and get the hell outta here, right now.'
I just don't have time to do individual posts...

We're the Only Ones Cash Cab Enough

A Chicago police officer was found guilty Thursday of stiffing a cabdriver of an $8 fare and then threatening him at gunpoint. [More]
But aside from that, how is "Bottoms Up" Daley's "Only Ones" paradise working out?


Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

A taxi driver described as quiet but friendly went on a shooting spree across a picturesque rural area of northwestern England on Wednesday, killing at least five people and wounding 25 before apparently turning the gun on himself. [More]
Perhaps they just don't have enough "gun control" yet...?

[Via Steven K]

We're the Only Ones Counterfeit Enough

A former DeKalb County police detective has been indicted on a federal counterfeiting charge.

Lawana Clinton was initially arrested by her police department on charges of forgery and violation of oath of office... [More]
So that means the rest of them are all genuine Oath Keepers...?

[Via Harvey]


Perhaps it’s time we reconsider the tactical utility of pistols. [More]
Hopefully no one here ever stopped considering it.

The Crystal Ball

I am now ready to predict that President Obama will not even make it that far. I predict that he will resign in discredited disgrace before the fall of 2012. [More]
I'd have picked more basic offenses...and this assumes his going gentle...

I dunno--all the reasons he gives are ones the masses will have a tough time wrapping their arms around. They make sense to genteel Spectator wonk philosopher types who think it matters how many angels can dance on a pinhead. Try it without that dead girl or live boy and I think you just might have cities going up in flames. You probably will regardless.

Although I have no doubt with noises James Carville has been making about administration reaction to the oil spill that Team Hillary is looking into how they can turn all this to her advantage, repercussions be damned...

[Via Len Savage]

South Africa Not Compensating Owners for Surrendered Guns

Rid society of guns. Turn them into the police. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a local step on the march toward a global goal.

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