Wednesday, July 07, 2010

GRE Round Up for July 7

Here's the latest from my Gun Rights Examiner colleagues:

Don Gwinn/Chicago:
Don't forget that Second Amendment Freedom Rally III is only two days away! Come to downtown Chicago and show Mayor Daley a celebration of freedom....Keep Reading »

Sean McClanahan/Des Moines:
It was reported today that Hancock County (Iowa) decided not to enact their new weapons ordinance. The ordinance was to be read for a third time...Keep Reading »

Dave Workman/Seattle:

It has been nearly four years – and will be this coming Sunday, July 11 – that Seattle resident Mary...Keep Reading »

Chris Woodard/Tucson:

Arizona in Fed's firing line......Part 3

Yesterday, July 6, 2010 The US Justice Department filed suit against Arizona, Governor Jan Brewer in her capacity...Keep Reading »
I do hope you realize the importance of sharing these links and show these guys your support by doing so...?

While you're at it, be sure and check out these other Liberty-oriented Examiners:

The Blind Men...

...That would be these guys...

and the elephant.

Mr. Saxe? Your cue:
So oft in theologic wars,
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance...

[Via Ed M]

Reasons Why

[T]here is no reason why the Second Amendment should be the last word for the voting public. [Read]
Yes there is:

"When Democracy Becomes Tyranny

"When Democracy Becomes Tyranny
I STILL get to vote."

I'm disappointed in you, Thomas Sowell.

You establishment media-anointed "conservatives" just don't get it:
We will not disarm.

You cannot convince us.

You cannot intimidate us.

You can try to kill us, if you think you can.

But remember, we’ll shoot back .

We are not going away.

We are not backing up another inch.

And there are THREE MILLION OF US.

Your move, Mr. Wannabe Tyrant.

Your move.
Now go ahead and have your vote.

[Via Ed M]

A Graphic Representation

What the chart in fact shows is that there is virtually no correlation between gun control laws and gun homicides. [More]
I don't really do statistics-based commentary, but thought I'd pass this along for those of you who are interested.

Maybe if someone could come up with a chart showing Daley's blood pressure rising following McDonald...

[Via The Bitter Clinger]

Armed self-defense news stories have two things in common

If the gungrabbers had their way...we would be reading very different headlines. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at some people the evil Daleys and Bloombergs of the world and all their useful idiots would rather see dead.

Also jaywalk over to today's Trigger Sports LIVE! for some punch.

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