Sunday, September 05, 2010

VA, ATF say no guns for Iraq war vet

How did such a state of affairs come to be?

Why don't we ask that "gun lobby" we're told never compromises? [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a crazy story out of Arkansas.

Also get an update on some "pro-gun" phonies in TN.

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Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Lifted like a rag doll and hurled into cell: Shocking video of police brutality... on 5ft 2in tall woman, 59, found asleep in car [More]
That's a lot safer than dealing with people who can fight back, don't you think?

[Via Brent Crude/Bill O' Rites]

Sandpoint Native

Oh, look...anonymously throwing out the charge of coward. How brave is that? [Read]

Forget It Jake, It's Chi-Town

Former gang member Reginald Berry Sr. said police would be better off if gang members were given job offers instead of threats of jail time. [More]
And just what are they qualified to do?

Oh, right.

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones Believable Enough

"Who is a jury going to believe: Me? Or a bunch of police officers?" [More]
It is one of the outrages of our age how many automatically default to the "Only Ones."

[Via William T]

And They Say There Are No Stupid Questions...

All we ask is that they register on a government list. What's the harm if it makes the rest of us feel better, and can help the police in their often thankless task of trying to uphold law and order? [More]
That sounds like something I'd write if I was trying to be sarcastic. This useful idiot is serious.

America--Love It or Leave It

Well I loved it, and it left me. [More]
WRSA presents a catchy tune with a message that needs to be heard by more.

This Day in History: September 5

September 5, 1778 at New Bedford, Massachusetts - On September 5, a British raiding force landed near New Bedford. They managed to destroy 70 vessels and a large number of buildings. Conclusion: British Victory [More]