Wisconsin Gun Owners Newsletter

They just released a new one. Click here to access the download page.

[Via DO]

If Gun Owner Poses No Threat...

...he should never have been disarmed in the first damn place. [Read]

A Crisis of Confidence

The public, on the other hand, must recognise that to lose confidence in the police and dismiss their efforts outright in favour of their own ‘security’ methods and even vigilante justice, is to put the entire country in a vicious circle of criminality from which there may be no return. [More]
So the only solution is to abdicate all personal responsibility and trust your life and freedom to the mercy of the "Only Ones"--and those directing them...

That's what it's all about, you know...

[Via Sam W]

As Intended

Senators, on the other hand, are elected by and represent all voters of their state. When the House considers a bill, individual members tend to base their votes primarily on how the bill might impact the people of their local district, while Senators tend to consider how the bill would impact the nation as a whole. This is just as the Founders intended. [More]
No, the Founders intended Senators to be chosen by their state legislatures. But don't take my word for it.

Now if you want to get rid of a bad one, it's a whole lot harder and more expensive to overcome the urban-dominated vote than it is to keep your local rep in line and punish him for bad confirmations. Which is what those intent on subverting things were counting on.

If I ever need to know "about" something, I know where not to go. It figures this was written by a career government worker...

We're the Only Ones "Steel Plate Challenge" Enough

You know, on both sides of your jaw...steel plates...because we take anything less than instant obedience as a challenge...? Especially when we're armed, and we're adults and you're not...? [Read]

[Via FFFW]

Meanwhile, Over in Furious Mike Paradise...

'I got stabbed - and people just stared!' Waitress' bloody tale after West Side subway attack [More]
Fortunately, Mayor Bloomberg, accompanied by taxpayer-funded bodyguards, was unharmed in the incident.

A Stimulus Package

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex. [More]
Stimulus, maybe. Economic? Not so much.

They shoot tax resisters, don't they?

So Far So Good

The Gun Guys



You know what we need? One of those violent headcase antis to go shoot up a park to prove their point.

You can bet they're just itching for the chance to do a "We told you so!" blood dance.

Fear of Schumer in Reid-Angle race is a cop-out

I call on NRA's Political Victory Fund to RELEASE THEIR CURRENT GRADES for Sharron Angle and Harry Reid, so that Nevada voters--and all gun owner "stakeholders" in that election--can use that as a guide.

I understand you don't want to give an endorsement, Mr. Cox--but post the grades. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column offers a "compromise" that even the non-absolutists ought to be able to support--at least, the honest ones.

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This Day in History: September 14

September 14, 1778 Benjamin Franklin appointed minister to the Court of France. [More]