Friday, September 24, 2010

Naming Names...

As we (my Wife and I) were travelling through Tennessee, we were stopped by a Tennessee State Trooper (Officer Michael Loftis, Badge #331), because the tinting of the windows on our vehicle was too dark. After checking my license, registration and insurance and verifying that they were up to date, Officer Loftis then asked with no probable cause, if I had any drugs or weapons in the car. [More]
And then guess what happened...

If They Were Only Shooting Themselves...

...I wouldn't mind. [Read]

Mark Hillman is confused about one thing though, but when you consider testimonials like "a true champion of the Second Amendment," an almost-$5K campaign donation and not letting us see see current comparative grades, it's understandable how he could consider that the same as an endorsement...

But it isn't.  Honest.

Speaking of Dead Elephants...

Correspondent W3 sent along some thoughts on an elephant struggling to pull through, and gave me permission to share them here:
The National Republican party’s 2010 Pledge to America.

Pretty words and admirable sentiments, but is everyone in the GOP committed? Or, is this pledge scheduled to expire on November 3rd like the oath to protect and defend the Constitution expires the first time it becomes inconvenient?

Is the GOP committed to repeal all unconstitutional legislation and abolish all bureaus and departments that are unconstitutional?

Is the GOP committed to remind the Supreme Court that it was not established by those who framed the Constitution to interpret the clear words of the Constitution according to the prejudice of individual justices?

Is the GOP committed to remind the president of his limitations as to informal declarations of war and to presidential orders that carry the weight of legislation that only the legislative branch is authorized to pass?

Is the GOP really serious, or does it plan to return to business as usual after November 3rd?

We need to think about this before any of it is taken at face value.

Y'all take care
I went to a local "Tea Party" event a few days back and left in disgust as the career politicians elicited cheers from a well-intentioned but manipulable crowd--when they rattled off the name of a notorious GOP gungrabber, I decided not to embarrass my son by yelling "Bullshit!"

The one guy there who deserved a microphone and a place on the podium was an old man passing out photocopies of his treatise on why we should end the Federal Reserve--and he, of course, was relegated to the role of obscure kook.

Clinton was the guy who popularized "It's the economy, stupid!"

They love it when we pick up that meme--it becomes an "If they can get you asking the wrong questions" opportunity for those who rely on misdirection.

It's the Constitution. Limit the government to delegated powers and forbid usurpation where not authorized, and the economy will work itself out.

That's just the beachhead, by the way, not the end game. Who knows what bold experiments in Liberty would yield productive results if only allowed to be conducted without being co-opted or forbidden by the coercion and control crowd?

As things stand, I see a whole lotta teajackin' going on.

Slaughter on the Tea Party Express

Look what was on the tracks and in the way... [Read]

Hey, Concerned American needed some new dead elephant pictures anyway...

Still, Sir Topham Hatt is gonna be pissed...

[Via Ed M]

Another Mayor Against Guns

No wonder. [Read]

He must think we're like him.

[Via Ed M]

Foreign Enemies

They're not all domestic. And we haven't yet paid the full price for all that "cheap" merchandise. [Read]

We're the Only Ones Stripping Down to the Raw Truth Enough

18 women claim Brooklyn cop Charles Derosalia illegally strip-searched them...but he's calling them all lying druggies. [More]
Who to believe...18 "lying druggies" or a New York "Only One."

Is a puzzlement.

[Via Harvey]

We're the Only Ones "We'll Put the Light Out For You" Enough

Deputy in town for firearms training accidentally fires weapon in hotel room [More]

You know, "The .40 caliber Glock Model 22 semi-automatic went off."

Those Lee Paige Specials have a tendency to do that on their own...

Lewiston Police conducted an investigation and determined the accident was not reckless discharge of a firearm, which is a crime.
Well thank goodness for that!  Still, I have to wonder just what the hell does qualify as a "reckless discharge of a firearm" in Lewiston, and if who you work for has any bearing in the determination? What do you think they'd have decided had it been the hapless shower-taker firing into the "Only One's" room? 

And why can't I get Mitzi Gaynor out of my head?

[Via FFFW]

Plotting the Course

"Who Erik was and the picture they are portraying do not mesh," said Lisa Mayo-DeRiso, a family friend.  [More]
Of course not.  What did William Casey recommend?  Blame the dead guy?
But simmering questions about whether Scott's death will receive a fair examination at the coroner's inquest have stirred debate about a review process that has excused every Las Vegas police slaying but one in 34 years.
See, the process is designed to produce standard outcomes.  Things go so much smoother that way.

As an aside, the original tip went to a Las Vegas Review story--I'm not sending traffic their way any more.  This minor blog, of and by itself, will not make a difference--but cumulatively, if others adopt the same resolution (and I know some have already publicly taken the lead), perhaps we can express our displeasure in a way they will understand.

Oh good--I just had a best-laid-plans moment and wondered if the Reno Gazette-Journal was on "the list"--it's not.

[Via Texas Shooter]

Should EMTs be required to put themselves in the line of fire?

What? There's still a shooter on the loose, police have not secured the area, and Stokes expects emergency medical technicians to put themselves in harm's way, potentially increasing target opportunities and the number of victims to include themselves?

Apparently...uh...yeah. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at an anti-gun councilman who demands others put themselves in harm's way.

Also get a recap on yesterday's DISCLOSE vote and take a JPFO survey.

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