Gorillas in the Mist

I guess that sounds more romantic than "hiding under the bed."

Concerned American looks at political capital conservation efforts.

Me, I'm thinking a gorilla hand ashtray would really complement a nice cigar with a glass of fine wine...

An Authoritari...uh...Authoritative Report

Mayors Against Illegal Guns--you know, the group that wants to make them all illegal--has issued a new report that basically looks like a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing--especially when you consider how many of us will basically answer this with "No. Your move."

And they even have an accompanying website.

It would be fun if someone had the programming skills to do an interactive "Follow the Movement of Crime Mayors in America: Click a State" map.

We're the Only Ones Going to the Dogs Enough

Family members claim they called police for help Wednesday morning, but when officers arrived, they were treated like criminals and an officer shot and killed their family dog. [More] 
That'll teach 'em!

And my favorite bit of reader comment apologia:
This all boils down to a simple point that you're missing: one cop is worth 4 or 5 civilians and a dog's life isn't worth squat.
[Via M. Terry]

We're the Only Ones Taping You Enough

But don't worry--it's just play acting and that tape will come right off. [Read]

It's like we're not dealing with whole people here...

[Via Harvey]

The American Taliban

Like their reactionary counterparts in the Middle East, the American Taliban fetishize guns and weaponry. [More]
Let's see, knuckle-draggers, extremists, racists, hatriots...and now "Taliban."

That reminds me, I haven't donned a ski mask and sawed anyone's head off on video in a while...

What despicable, evil liars these subversives are.

We're the Only Ones "Whatever--I Do What I Want" Enough

Instead, Police Officer Robert Lane told Bowling he was going to jail because DEA agents “do pretty much whatever they want,” the judge wrote. [More]
As long as we understand those are the rules, well OK then.

Those are the rules.


[Via FFFW]

We're the Only Ones Got a Basketball Jones Enough

A former Houston police officer has been sentenced to 16 years in prison for stealing $166,400 and trying to steal more than $435,000 in American Red Cross funds for a bogus basketball camp that supposedly was held for children displaced by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. [More]
"Only Ones."

For the children...

[Via Harvey]

100 Voices

According to Cantor Nathan Lam, the film’s executive producer and a man I have met several times at a neighbor’s home, 90% of American Jews can trace their ancestry to Poland before the mass murdering began. [More]
So why the bloody hell is this even an issue?

The Border WMD Terror

Border agents seized a 50-caliber assault rifle...[More]
You know, one of those bolt-action "assault rifles."  Going to Mexico! Which is why we need to reinstate the ban!

"Authorized Journalists"--is it any wonder we love 'em so?

[Via Jeffersonian]

Will NRA release grades in Reid/Angle race?

Will NRA tell us how they have currently been graded, so we can take that information and "put it in the forefront of [our] decision-making"? How else would we be able to?

And if they do, will they also explain how they derived the grades if asked for details?

How will not doing either "encourage" us? How will taking no position "position [them] to help [our] rights"? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column asks nothing of Chris Cox that his own words don't prime us to expect answers to.

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This Day in History: September 27

Accordingly, on September 27, 1778, Quartermaster Benjamin Hart secured quarters for the six troops of Baylor's Dragoons in six different barns along the Overkill road (in what is now River Vale), while Colonel Baylor made his headquarters at the dwelling of Cornelius A. Haring, about a half mile above a bridge over the Hackensack River. The Dragoons drove some cattle with them and privates in the Third and Fifth Troops were posted as forage guards that night. The remainder of the men bedded down in barns near their unsaddled horses. Although the Overkill Neighborhood was infected with Loyalists, the position seemed sensible and secure, provided the usual precautions against surprise attack were taken. [More]