Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Outing the Genocide Enablers

I know I already linked to these columns in my GRE Roundups, but Kurt Hofmann's columns yesterday and today are simply outstanding, and deserve special mention and attention.

If you have not read them, go do so. If you have read them, share the links with everyone you know.

Just excellent stuff.

People need to be warned about what these domestic enemies are really about.

Call Waiting

To report a coyote sighting, call the FWC...[More]

If I've got it sighted, why would I need to call anybody? Or want to? Particularly someone who may want to use it to incriminate me?

No, I think that call can wait.  Besides, I'll have some shoveling to do.

[Via Ed M]

Stop Or I'll Pour!

16-year-old DeLand High School student holds up DeLand convenience store with bottle of salad dressing [More]
So let's see...we have the Ramilaben Patel response, or the Thameen Baker response...

I always have trouble deciding between French and Italian, myself...

[Via Ed M]

We're the Only Ones Disarmed Enough

Marchant does not have any other guns, she said. [More]

That they know about, right?

What "prohibited person" in Boston does?

[Via Ed M]

Weekend Restoration Projects

WRSA lists some. See if any are in your area. [Read]

Vanderboegh will be here.

The Other Gun Group

GOA backs a different man. [Read]

Hmmm...evidently the NRA pick:
  • Voted NO on prohibiting product misuse lawsuits on gun manufacturers. (Oct 2005)
  • Voted NO on prohibiting suing gunmakers & sellers for gun misuse. (Apr 2003)
  • Voted NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)
And he was also one of those unanimous votes for Pelosi as Speaker.

Oh well, I'm sure he must have seen the error of his ways, started voting right, washed away his sins and we can trust him now. I guess better the guy who's betrayed us in the past rather than the Republican A-rater. I can't really judge because I'm such a lousy chess player.

Hell, I'm so unsophisticated, I didn't even realize this was a game!

Finns Chose to Be Stupid and Suicidal

Their loss. [Read]

Good thing for them a repeat of this would be impossible.

Wouldn't it?

Lonely Soldier Seeks Understanding Woman. Oh, and What's Your PIN?

These "Soldiers" are NOT Soldiers, people! Even in the crappiest shithole, we still have access to money and communications! No official military address ends with a .com or a .us. [More]
Nicki warns us of some lowdown Internet scammers.

She also shares some of her fun experiences outsmarting them.

I once convinced one he'd caused me to hang myself.

You Mean Their Gun Policy Is As Crappy As...

...their food? [Read]

I made the mistake of stopping at a Flying J once.

Never again, and that's before I knew about their citizen disarmament fetish.

It's time for this guy to stop offering lip service and put his money where his mouth is.

Bloomberg’s New York City gun laws continue to endanger the 'law-abiding'

“Fine”? Did a government official just admit the city extorts "a sum imposed as punishment for an offense" for exercising a Constitutionally-recognized right? Or does he just personally believe gun owners need to be punished, often, and by someone who knows how? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner notes how rank hath its privileges in Furious Mike Paradise, and the rest of us be damned.

Also get in the trenches with GOA and take a powder with MSSA.

If you're a regular here, can I count on you to help spread the word by sharing the link?

This Day in History: October 27

I have been witness to a great and important revolution this morning, which took place while the greatest part of the world was asleep. Like many state-revolutions, its first beginnings were almost undiscernible; but the progress, though gradual, was steady, and the event decisive. A while ago darkness reigned. Had a man then dropped, for the first time, into our world, he might have thought himself banished into a hopeless dungeon. How could he expect light to rise out of such a state? And when he saw the first glimmering of dawn in the east, how could he promise himself that it was the forerunner of such a glorious sun as has since arisen! With what wonder would such a new-comer observe the bounds of his view enlarging, and the distinctness of objects increasing from one minute to another; and how well content would he be to part with the twinklings of the stars, when he had the broad day all around him in exchange! I cannot say this revolution is extraordinary, because it happens every morning; but surely it is astonishing, or rather it would be so, if man was not astonishingly stupid. [More]