Half Empty or Half Full?

“The key to it,” he said, “is you got to have the right people on the streets.” [More]
The key to it is you have to get the wrong people off the streets.

That and stop forcing the right people to give them any kind of advantage.

No Need to Feel So Special

Speaking to Muslim Advocates, a San Francisco-based group, Holder told the group that he's heard from many Muslim and Arab Americans who feel uneasy and singled out by law enforcement. [More]
Yeah, really. I mean, it's not like they rise to the same level as these guys or anything...


...or "won't"? [More]

Huh. It's gone from "Yes We Can" to "No We Can't," and the paradox has gone basically unnoticed.

What else "can't" you keep your big nose out of and grubby mitts off of?

We're the Only Ones Strangely Quiet Enough

We asked Jenkins how he could have two police issued guns stolen and he told us he didn't want to say anything. [More]
Because if we learn his top secret "Only Ones" weapons retention techniques, we might start getting ideas about our qualifications and trustworthiness... and they wouldn't want that.

[Via Ed M]

Liberty News/Safer Streets

Longenecker's latest. [Read]

I'm not really very scary, John--just ask my kids. They've been pummeling me since they could crawl...:)

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We're the Only Ones Misrepresenting Enough

So how come police didn't simply come clean and say the dog was shot by the cops? [More]
Because on top of everything else they're f...g liars...?

[Via FFFW]

When Guns Go Bad...

...count on The Grand Rapids Press to scream and shout. [Read]

A Fresh Look

Gun Buyback Gets Guns Off the Streets [More]
Yeah, sure it does, Tara MacIsaac.


And these people bill themselves as "a fresh look."

The Master's Face

Do we really need any further justification for revolt... [More]

Guardians of Liberty weigh in on Judge Breyer.


We're in the middle of a blizzard. All kinds of things precluded me from getting an early start today.  I doubt I'll make much of a dent in the blizzard of emails starting over the weekend that also seem to be burying me.

Sorry. I'm doing the best I can with what I've got to work with...

Justice Breyer says Framers would support ‘gun control’

I’m not a sportsman, judge. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a domestic enemy who is apparently arrogant enough to feel confident in his treachery.

Also witness a proof of delivery and resolve to correspond.

Correspond with your friends, and send them the link?

This Day in History: December 13

On December 13, 1778, the Fourth New York Regiment took up Winter Quarters within Fort Plank... [More]