Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Art of the Possible

What possible threat do gun owners think they will face at the library that they would need to come in packing heat? [More]

Gee, that took me all of two minutes to find.

And to think they pay these useful idiot "Authorized Journalists" good money...what possible reason could they have to give these ignoramuses such a broad public reach?


  1. Several days ago a whackjob fired a round or two outside a library in Kingwood Texas. He waited for cops to arrive but instead of suicide by cop ultimately ate his gun. I expect that we will soon have metal scanners to enter the library though this fellow never went near the door.

    Once 'security theater' is installed at the library I will no longer visit. Just as I skip most every public assembly point and no longer travel by tsa air.

  2. What possible threat can come from eating lunch at Lubys Cafeteria in Killeen Texas.

  3. "Packing heat."
    I always think of Tabasco-seasoned peanuts in a can.

    Not a suitable weapon. You could throw for the eyes and blind them, I guess.

  4. Odd, I do not see anyone attempting to guarantee library patrons complete safety at the library.

    Does not keeping a spare tire on your car protect you from blowouts and flats?

    Ultimately, you are responsible for your own safety, not the library staff, not the police. I have no plans on my survivors collecting on my life insurance policy sooner than absolutely necessary.

  5. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)1/27/2011 4:45 PM

    And then there's Breda, the pistol-packin' librarian. What are these loons going to do with HER?

    Word is "cutsize", as in cut the size of the government.


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