Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bill Maher slanders NRA, gun owners

Maher’s slander is equivalent to nothing less than the spoken form of blood libel...[More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column decries hate speech, which, naturally, emanates from the same "progressive" media that decries it. They've done a real good job, because I confess I'm feelin' the hate. Not enough to lose control, but enough to dare them to.

Also watch a rerun if you missed the live performance.

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  1. Bill Maher. Bill Maher...
    Oh, I remember now. He used to be a second-rate comedian.

  2. "Four million armed-to-the-teeth NRA members and Maher feels comfortable enough to insult and lie about us all? You’d think someone who truly believes we are assassins, with all the character weaknesses of alcoholics, junkies and perverts, would show a bit more caution. Especially if one accepts the thesis that violence-prone, out-of-control and amoral miscreants are ready to go off based on something as trivial as the kind of intentionally inflammatory media rhetoric Maher has built his career on."
    This is the best take on anything said about the subject until now and maybe forever. The next time I encounter a liberal, granted it's a hard thing for me to do, as I don't associate with nor converse with any, Ill use this for my arguement if you don't mind.

  3. It is good to recall that Maher is only in the news when he calculatedly attacks some positive element of the USA, persons of European / Caucasian descent, Jews, Israel, Christians or patriots. Rather like a spoiled four year old wandering into his parents' cocktail party and pissing on the floor to get attention.
    If not for his practiced smarminess and carefully plotted spew of intellectually void, verbal excrement, he could not make a living by bilking the leftists and communists out of their money.
    And let us also be charitable in recalling that he actually DID try to find another line of work - he tried selling lapdances in gay bathhouses, but had no takers. It was then that his spiritual director, Barbra Streisand, advised him to return to his previous line of work.
    At least while the assclown is alive, no one will have to pay for Syrup of Ipecac.

  4. Hey, there HAVE BEEN swastikas on posters at Tea Party rallies. With the legend "NO REPEATS." A minor overlooked detail. A simple Google search.
    Nancy Pelosi has been heard to mention them too.
    Rather like JPFO's "All those in favor of gun control, raise your right hand" featuring a saluting Hitler ... as a TARGET.
    Hold tight, we're in for nasty weather.


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