Sunday, January 16, 2011

Catholic Church should demonstrate courage of convictions on ‘gun control’

So apparently the state will be there to protect its citizens when attacks occur. And the fact that government is controlling things miraculously transubstantiates “revenge” into “legitimate defense.” [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at some Papal bull.

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  1. Sounds like the US confrence of bishops have never heard of St. Gabriel Possenti.

    "St. Gabriel Possenti was a Catholic seminarian whose marksmanship and proficiency with handguns single-handedly saved the village of Isola, Italy from a band of 20 terrorists in 1860.

    The Possenti Society offers a variety of materials related to St. Gabriel Possenti and a biblical understanding of self-defense.

    The Savior of Isola

    In 1860, a band of soldiers from the army of Garibaldi entered the mountain village of Isola, Italy. They began to burn and pillage the town, terrorizing its inhabitants.

    Possenti, with his seminary rector's permission, walked into the center of town, unarmed, to face the terrorists. One of the soldiers was dragging off a young woman he intended to rape when he saw Possenti and made a snickering remark about such a young monk being all alone.

    Possenti quickly grabbed the soldier's revolver from his belt and ordered the marauder to release the woman. The startled soldier complied, as Possenti grabbed the revolver of another soldier who came by. Hearing the commotion, the rest of the soldiers came running in Possenti's direction, determined to overcome the rebellious monk.

    At that moment a small lizard ran across the road between Possenti and the soldiers. When the lizard briefly paused, Possenti took careful aim and struck the lizard with one shot. Turning his two handguns on the approaching soldiers, Possenti commanded them to drop their weapons. Having seen his handiwork with a pistol, the soldiers complied. Possenti ordered them to put out the fires they had set, and upon finishing, marched the whole lot out of town, ordering them never to return. The grateful townspeople escorted Possenti in triumphant procession back to the seminary, thereafter referring to him as "the Savior of Isola"."


  2. Last time I looked at their official websites, the Catholic, Methodist and Episcopal churches all support gun control if not outright bans. It's the way to "peace."
    They oppose capital punishment under ANY circumstances. The taking of life is God's prerogative.
    I must say, the church and the community in this Mayors Against Illegal Guns city held a VERY nice memorial for the Harvey family, abducted to their own basement by two unarmed intruders claiming car trouble, tied up and brained with their own claw hammer.

    Florida priest calls cop on a mother and daughter because he THINKS they were disrespectful to a communion wafer the previous week.
    Imagine if he saw them violate a gun possession law.

  3. Happened to catch part of the movie "The Wind That Shakes the Barley," about the Irish Rising of 1920. A priest LOVES the truce England offers to end the fighting for independence which THEY made necessary. Anyone wanting FREEDOM can get out of his church. It's PEACE that matters.
    Well, the peace-loving Irish government starts using its own soldiers to punish the Irish republican upstarts. One brother is a soldier and sides with them; the other wants independence. He joins the militia and they raid an army armory. You can guess how it ends. The military brother is ordered to lead his brother's firing squad, and he does.
    It's nothing new, for families, which every church claims are so important, to be sundered by political oppression which the church supports in the name of "reducing conflict."
    Or at least hesitates to condemn, like when those Nazi guys started to show up on the radar. THAT was a purely secular matter.

  4. No guns for you......convert or die

    Fight islam Now

  5. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)1/16/2011 5:54 PM

    Methinks none of the above churches know or believe in the Old Testament, which was not negated by Christ, but fulfilled by Him.

    I tend to tink that Islam will be the religion of the Great Tribulation, but now I wonder if Roman Catholicism will be.

  6. Then you have this troublesome priest.

    Cannibal Rabbi


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