Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Emergency Justification

Gunleaders.com links us to documents BATFU filed with OMB to "justify" their latest scheme.  [Read]


  1. "The authority to require FFLs to submit information concerning multiple sales or other disposition of certain rifles derives from 18 U.S.C. 923 (g)(5)."

    Huh? Can the ATF get away with that?

  2. Dunno. Dave Hardy opined they couldn't do this a week back for several reasons.

    Tricky. They say "derived from." Might as well say "extrapolated from" or how about "reimagined"?

    I just noticed they want no expiration date on the form--planning to go permanent with this?

  3. David, I like that:


    Suggest you amplify that and use it!

    Or you could use "repurpose"

    Regardless, the bottom line is they are just making this up on the fly.

    Without Authority.

  4. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)1/05/2011 10:31 AM

    And why wouldn't it be permanent? The payroll withholding was an "emergency" tax for WWII, and was supposed to go away at the end of the war. We're still dealing with that bit of Roosevelt socialism. And the BATFEces withheld or manufactured evidence in the Olofson case as well as the other one, so they could railroad them into jail, and that was hunky-dory with the judges. So they can get away with making it up as they go.

    Word verification is "kings". That's what we're dealing with here.

  5. I read all those documents, and one thing stands out.

    The "Emergency Review Statement", paragraph two, says that dealers must report to ATF "... whenever the licensee sells or otherwise disposes of two or more rifles within any five consecutive business days with the following

    It DOES NOT include anything to say "...to a single purchaser...".

    Omission, or deliberate?


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