Monday, January 17, 2011

Over the Topline

John Richardson notes Paul Helmke was "not let off easily." [Read]


  1. About 95% of commenters also do not let Helmke and his fellow travelers off easy on current issue discussion websites. They refute their claims point by point, expose biased research, quote the U.S. Code and the Founders and generally make them look like the authoritarian asses they are.

  2. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)1/17/2011 4:07 PM

    "Not let off easily", my, er, tail end! Helmke got softball questions throughout the interview, usually the "What's wrong with the other side?" kind, thinly disguised as "hard-hitting" questions to him.

  3. The local TV is running teaser ads: "A Virginia Tech survivor's film may be a semi-finalist for the Oscar award. More at eleven."
    Colin Goddard of the Brady Coalition, "Living For 32"?
    God, please give the San Andreas Fault a good kick.


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