Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Should you just give robbers what they want?

As for this latest attack, note that the police, who cannot protect anyone beforehand, have yet to produce after-the fact results. They’ve “searched several homes,” but the attackers are still at large, and even if they do arrest suspects, there is no guarantee they will be convicted, and if so, removed from society until it’s safe to release them back into it—if ever. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column questions how it can be determined with certainty what a dangerous and evil man wants.

Also attend a press conference and wat...uh...listen to The Watchmen.

If you think your friends might want this link, just give it to them.


  1. Bunch of statists. They know that if people get the idea that they can fight criminals and win, they might realize that overbearing government can be resisted as well.

    I'm hoping for a BIG media blowout about Gunwalker. Funny how they timed it on the same day as the State of the Union address, which is always Our Top Story Tonight.
    I imagine if it DOES make the news at all, ATF supervisors will frame it in the same terms as the FBI terrorist bomber stings. Hand someone a weapon, then bust them just in time and get a commendation. Sorry, Officer Terry, sh-- happens.

  2. Several things percolating here...
    My Obama-voting neighbor, who has no car, and I just got back from the church food pantry, where she got about 50 pounds of canned goods -- I'm guessing around $40 worth -- for free. She complained about having to fill out the same form every time. The pen they provide doesn't suit her, either.
    On a previous trip, she and her also Obama-voting friend (who she says sells depleted food stamp cards as full-value ones) were laughing at Sarah Palin, "the idiot," and commenting on the rising price of gas while using MY gas and pleading poverty while not offering to help with gas money.
    The neighbor is fighting collections agencies and careful to mention that she has a dollar eighty-five to last the rest of the week, but confided to me that she has "thousands and thousands of dollars" in jewelry in her house. She would never have a gun. Hurting peopl is WRONG. She used to do physical therapy for prison inmates, and sometimes the room was so full of love and spirituality that the really bad ones couldn't even come in the door...
    Then you have people trying to make a living being told their lives aren't worth defending when they're where they're supposed to be, doing what they're supposed to be doing, and face people to whom killing is a spontaneous act, and fun.
    And people are AMAZED at our "vitriolic rhetoric" when they impose such ideas through force of law.


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