Friday, January 21, 2011

Stop What You're Doing...

...and read this.


  1. Very perceptive and insightful toward patterns.

    ne way they are coming:

    They hope for a peaceful transition as the infidel government resigns, but if a fight is necessary...
    If you worship other gods or none, the reason they cut off heads or hands is to "expiate your sins." It's a mercy, because without this cleansing, you are destined for eternal hellfire, even though Allah is "the merciful and compassionate."
    This Australian CONVERTED to Islam.
    I remember Supercans filled with surrendered Australians' guns for the steel furnace.

  2. [The United States] will have advanced from a nation of aircraft carriers to a nation of debt carriers.

    debt carrier, singular. (with a whole bunch of tax slaves behind it). one corporate entity which can default if the political will to do so is mustered. (in my opinion, it never will be).

    the two possible consequences are default (dollar survives, but is widely repudiated after the fact) or hyperinflation (dollar "goes to zero", repudiation not necessary).

    they are consequences and not choices; not even the fed is capable of directly, intentionally steering an entire nation one way or the other. they can certainly effect it, and they certainly have the greatest influence than any other, but this is not the same. there is no ultimate authority in control. choice and intention are not part of the equation.

    the reason these two possibilities are it, and that there is no middle way, is that if there existed any middle way whatsoever, then it has no end; it could not be like a terminating algorithm you'd find on some online debt repayment/interest calculator.

    think about it: you write down any middle-path plan you like, math or otherwise. then you show me how twenty generations are going to follow your words. last time we tried that we called it the u.s. constitution. any one part of that document working flawlessly? how about even the definitions of words in the constitution -- are they settled?

    to the degree the middle path is gentle, it itself is never shunned by the public, in exchange for solvency. ergo, people become politicians to maintain the status quo indefinitely.

    now the status quo is by definition what you have right here, right now. and what do we have? cash flow insolvency around the corner. debt ceiling being raised again. hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities -- that's things you've promised to pay in the future, that you have no forseeable future income to cover. this all hasn't changed since... well, who even knows for sure?

    mises showed that there is no middle way between capitalism and socialism; the so-called middle ways are socialism. this insight applies most especially to finance.

  3. anhourofwolves1/22/2011 2:12 AM

    Money quote:

    "For Americans, the quickest way to understand modern Britain is to look at what lbj’s Great Society did to the black family and imagine it applied to the general population"


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