Monday, January 10, 2011

Usual suspects line up to exploit Giffords shooting

Both repeat themes familiar to gun rights advocates.  And behind both themes are motivations to swindle the public into further infringements on the right to keep and bear arms and shame political opposition into silence. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the way hypocritical collectivist subversives practice toning down the rhetoric.

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1 comment:

  1. Ten of the Authorized Journalists I used to work with weighed in on Facebook last night. First with the Giffords shooting, then with the friend of a neice at college being killed by a drunken frat boy showing off his gun-mounted flashlight.
    They had it all covered. There needs to be a balance between freedom and keeping guns away from the mentally ill. Does anyone need a semi-auto rifle OR PISTOL? Their only purpose is to kill people. The Supreme Court "unfortunately" "expanded" gun rights. We need to start a serious conversation. I don't see why so many guns are necessary. I think it's not about rights, it's all about money and allowing businesses to sell guns and ammunition. We may never see a tragedy big enough to break the stranglehold the NRA has over Congress. It's harder to get a driver's license than a gun.
    I'm sure I've left some out. I'm not going to argue with them and confuse them with facts. Ignorance is strength, and freedom is slavery. I just deleted them from my Friends and news feed. I've already wasted too much time trying to teach thse particular pigs to sing.
    Let them find out for themselves that if they win, they lose big.


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