Monday, January 17, 2011

We're the Only Ones All Wet Enough

Reda initially told police Stephens was a daredevil and had jumped off the boat, and that the men were the only ones on board. [More]
Well, at least that last part is true.

Thing is, if the guy has already been proven to be a liar, how can the subhead confidently tell us "The fellow officer was thrown overboard when the boat struck a pylon"?

Why should anyone believe his story now?


  1. David,

    This happens more often than it should.

    See here.

  2. I thought sops were supposed to have each other's backs??? I'm sure this was just an oversight of some sort...

  3. Follower of Ted Kennedy in more ways than one.

  4. PeaceableGuy1/18/2011 10:15 AM

    "Ex-cop", the story says, which is misleading as the crime was committed when the cop was still an active member of the Only Ones.


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