Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We're the Only Ones Exceptional Enough

The bill makes some exceptions, for example prohibiting deadly force if the person entering a home is a law enforcement officer acting in his or her official capacity. [More]
Sorry. I know I lead a peaceable life that does not warrant an official home invasion.

So I'm afraid my default assumption is that such armed raiders must be those "fauxnly ones" I've been reading so much about in the news lately...


  1. Maybe it's time for Fourth Amendment advocates to post a little sign on front and back doors.

    If you come through this door without being invited, you will be killed.

    Si usted viene a través de esta puerta sin invitación, se le mató.

    Wenn Sie durch diese Tür uneingeladen kommen, werden Sie getötet werden.

    Dacă veniţi prin această uşă neinvitat, vei fi ucis.

    Si vous venez sans y être invité par cette porte, vous serez tués.

    Se si arriva attraverso questa porta senza invito, verrà ucciso.

    اگر شما از طریق این درب ناخوانده آمده ، شما کشته خواهد شد.

    إذا كنت تأتي من خلال هذا الباب غير المدعوة ، سوف تقتل.

    In Spanish, French, Romanian in honor of David, German, Italian, Persian and Arabic.

  2. Defender,
    I picked up some stickers with that sentence imprinted on them at a gun show a few years back, and have been handing them out to friends and family ever since.

  3. Harry Steele1/18/2011 4:06 PM

    What if these "only ones" are at the wrong address??? Do I still have to play possum?.... NOT gonna happen at my house, I can promise you that!

    If you have a valid warrant, knock on my door without breaking it down, give me time to answer it, and to READ the warrant... THEN we can interact properly as civilized adults if all is in order.....

    Otherwise... well, let me say you and I both will wish you never came by.........

  4. I will always treat home invaders as armed criminals.

    I treat thieves the same, no matter what it is they're stealing. Theft is slavery, slavers are best met with force that may be lethal.


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