Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CBS News video report: "Project Gunrunner" drug cartel scandal

CBS News has released the video of the report announced earlier this evening. [More]
Watch it. And share the link.


  1. Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me)2/23/2011 9:46 PM

    O.K., I'm impressed. That's some of the straightest reporting from CBS on the gun issue I have ever seen.

    Still, why were they so reluctant to pick up the story in the first place?

    BATFE has much to answer for. Why did they let the guns get into Mexico, where they have no jurisdiction? Are they now going to quash any legal action against them, and then go after the gun stores who reluctantly let the suspicious sales go through at BATFE's insistence?

    BATFEces now officially has blood on its hands. (As if Waco and Ruby Ridge weren't bloody enough.)

  2. We all need to understand that ATF was created on with bad intentions from the onset.
    Fact of the matter is ATF was put in place with the passing of the US Gun Laws of 1968. The problem with that is these gun laws were taking from the, 1938 Nazi Gun Laws, word for word.
    What we are seeing with the unlawful conduct and criminal activities of ATF are not unexpected when laws are passed that fly in the face of our Constitution. The very first step would be for congress to admit that it was bamboozled by passing Nazi laws in the first place. Remove the "F" from behind the "AT" and stop this renegade federal agency for its on going endangering and victimizing of the Americans people.
    ATF is a mistake that must be admitted and corrected.


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