Friday, February 11, 2011

With Friends Like These...

It's tough for me to fathom how anyone could be this witless and ignorant. [Read]

I appreciate what Michael is saying about education, but this strikes me as something you shouldn't need formal training on to realize it's a bad idea. I've never taken a class that informed me drinking liquid Drano or sticking my hand down the running garbage disposal are things to be avoided, either. 


  1. When you pick up a loaded gun, it becomes obvious that it is not a toy. The weight, the heft, the smell of oil...
    Of course with out wise government claiming that AirSofts CAN be rel firearms, I can understand some confusion.
    And the TV...
    "Off the Map," about American doctors in a latin American jungle clinic, had a landgrab [roptestor shot by police. They knew it was the police because they extracted a ".40 Glock" bullet from his abdomen. The doctor who first helped him confronted him about being shot with a "police Glock service REVOLVER."
    As for "Law and Order," I can't tolerate watching those fascists ride roughshod over the citizens. It's a true depiction of NYC.

  2. Some decades ago now, we had the example of that actor on the TV show that put a gun to his head that he "knew" was loaded with blanks, because he thought that blanks were harmless, and proceeded to kill himself by pulling the trigger. He was unaware that blanks output enough gas to blow a section of the human skull almost across your entire brain.

    The world cannot be made idiot proof by education, you just end of with educated idiots.

  3. Education is great for those who wish to understand things well and find best practices. Good judgment is usually the result of surviving and learning from making a lot of bad judgments.

    For everyone else, there is natural selection - otherwise known as the Darwin Award.

    May all those who qualify earn that reward promptly. There will be fewer damned fools underfoot.

    Common sense is about as rare as hen's teeth anymore. It's been systematically rooted out by propaganda and the conditioning of children in "school." Therefore, training IS truly necessary for a lot of folks to make the transition.

    Work an ER for a while. Incredible as it may seem... a lot of perfectly ordinary seeming people put their hands into running machinery and drink very toxic things. Trust me.


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